We all agree that coffee hour and refreshments after worship are an important social time.
And we all agree that it’s been challenging to find enough volunteers.
So Cindy Ray has volunteered to manage this important time in our community life.

Here’s how it will work.

  • First, Cindy will personally call the list of church attendees, asking each person (or family unit) to be responsible for making the coffee, providing refreshments, and cleaning up for only ONE Sunday between now and the end of April.
    You will get to select the ONE Sunday that works best for you. You will NOT be asked to bring refreshments for more than that one Sunday.
  • If everyone cooperates, that means no one in the church will have to bring refreshments more than 2 or 3 times for the whole year. (Currently, some people have been bringing refreshments almost every month.)
  • Second, she will ask EVERYONE to bring ONLY four plates/trays of food.  Frankly, our church refreshments have turned into an elaborate affair that scares many people away from volunteering. An extensive array of many dishes is too expensive for many members and requires a lot of purchasing, carrying, and cleaning up after. Also, it’s really unnecessary. We are providing a simple social time, not lunch.
  • So four (4) food items (four plates or bowls) is the maximum. (If possible, it would be good if one of those four items were fresh vegetables of fruit.)
  • If you’re bringing cake for a special day, then ONE food item is probably enough.
  • Please keep it simple so everyone will feel able to provide refreshments.

So expect a phone call during the next few days, and think about what Sunday would be most convenient for you.
If you need help knowing where tablecloths are, or how to make the coffee, ask Cindy when she calls you, and she will get help for you.
Again:  Please, no more than four plates of food.
If you want to bring more, instead volunteer for another Sunday after April.