May 1, 2016 “Bread for the World”

“When I give bread to the poor, they call me a Saint . . .
. . . when I ask why the poor have no bread, they call me a Communist.”
Archbishop Oscar Romero (1917 – 1980)

The "Cal Fresh" card is today's version of food stamps, and a critical helping hand for lots of people just like us.
A Food Stamp card, a critical helping hand for lots of people just like us.

To mark our annual letter-writing campaign for Bread for the World, Pastor Tracy explored the instructions from the Hebrew Law dealing with our responsibility to feed those in need and their larger meaning for the foundation of a just society. (Scripture: Leviticus 19:1-2a, 9-10 and Ruth 1:22-2:10.)

She noted that this issue is just as real today, with political battles over support programs like food stamps and the challenge of moving past caricatures like “welfare queens”  to see the reality of people just like us struggling with tough times.