One of the comments we often hear from first-time visitors to FCC is “Wow. A real choir in a small church. That’s special!” We couldn’t agree more. For many years, through all our ups and downs, our Choir has helped us truly to “make a joyful noise” in our worship . . . with everything from Bach Cantatas to Folk music to Broadway Show Tunes (with some very “interesting” stops in between.)
Our talented Music Director, Gerry Grosz, frequently arranges music for our choir, so that it works well for our singers and fits the themes of our worship. The choir sings in worship about three Sundays each month. New singers are most welcome!
Below, you can hear our choir as they sang “Here I Am, Lord” on a recent Sunday.
We recently hosted the College of Marin Chamber Singers who shared their music with us during worship.
On Christmas Eve, a quartet of four members of our choir (Christina Santschi, Lucinda Ray, David Santschi, and Charles Little) sang Mozart’s “Ave Verum Corpus,” accompanied by Gerry Grosz.
We also recently held a Jazz Concert in our sanctuary, with an Ice Cream Social afterward. Music is truly alive and well in our congregation!