Michael Meehan and his partner Jamie Cline are long-time members of FCCSR, and they have raised their four terrific kids from elementary school to college as part of our family. In this sermon, Michael traces a straight line between the Pride movement’s message of all-inclusive acceptance and the same message in scripture. (Luke 10:25-37; Galatians 3:23-27)
Following the sermon, the congregation joined in the following Pride Litany:
For those who are struggling with their sexuality, we remind you are made in Gods’ image, perfectly created, an heir of Abraham’s blessing. We walk with you in your struggle. Forgive us when we say foolish things, we don’t mean to make this harder than it is.
For the Openly Gay, Lesbian, bisexual, or transgender member of the world who has been rejected by his or her family, we welcome you and acknowledge your pain. Know that you are not alone.
For the Gay and Lesbian people who have chosen to end their lives rather than face the bullying or rejection that they felt, we honor your memory and mourn with your family and friends the isolation and hopelessness that you felt.
For those of you who are able to openly embrace their sexual orientation and be with those they love with the full support of their friends, families, and faith communities, we rejoice with you.
For the Church Leaders and congregations who reject and shame members of the LGBTQ Community, we pray that your hearts be opened, and that the fear and anger you carry will be replaced by the grace and love of God.
For those who have been bullied, ostracized, abused, or harmed emotionally, physically, sexually, or spiritually, we acknowledge your experience and stand with you as you seek sanctuary, help and healing. We pray that we may be that for you as Jesus was for so many.
For the church leaders and congregations who are doing their best to change old attitudes and embrace all people not only in their sanctuaries but also in their hearts, we acknowledge the pain that comes with growth and encourage you.
For the parent struggling with the knowledge that your son or daughter is gay, lesbian, or transgendered, we pray that God will open your hearts to accept your children exactly the way they are, just as God accepts you.
For the children of a same-gender loving couple, we pray that you feel the love and devotion your parents have for you and understand that loving families come in many shapes and sizes.
Finally, we pray that we may be truly the body of Christ, embodying the radical welcome that Jesus showed to all people. The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to allow marriage equality was a landmark victory, but there is still a long way to go. We pray for the ability to see the work that still needs to be done to change hearts and minds in ourselves, in our nation and the world, the courage and stamina to continue working toward peace and justice for all people, and the faith to trust that God can heal what we cannot.