Sermons (Page 19)

July 16, 2017 “Seeds of Hope”

On her next-to-last Sunday with us, Pastor Tracy took up the Parable of The Sower as a message central  to the future of any congregation. She found a parallel between in a small but very meaningful triumph in back yard baseball, and what members of a church can do to improve their “batting average” in hearing and understanding…

July 9, 2017 “Casting Burdens”

With only three weeks left with us before she leaves for her new life in southern California, Pastor Tracy chose to address one of the nuggets of bad “bumper-sticker theology” that she believes create a barrier that prevents many good people from becoming involved with the church.  (Scripture Matthew 11:6-19 & 25-30)

June 18, 2017 “When Faith Meets Reality”

Rev. Parrish is a member and and Itinerant Minister at Eden United Church of Christ in Hayward.  In addition to serving in leadership and ministerial positions at Eden, he serves on the Bay Association Executive Board, and on the Finance Committee of the Northern California Nevada Conference of the UCC. In this Fathers’ Day sermon, Rev. Parrish…

May 28, 2017 “Drinking of the Spirit”

Religio-centrism — the idea that one set of beliefs or practices is uniquely the “right” one, and all others are “wrong” — has probably caused more human misery over the centuries than any other. And, sadly, Christianity has much to answer for in this regard. In this sermon Pastor Tracy looks at one of the…

May 21, 2017 “Looking Toward Heaven”

On Ascension Sunday, Pastor Tracy examines the actions of the disciples during their last meeting with Jesus (Acts 1:1-11) and finds they have a shortcoming familiar to all of us today: an inability to see a truly new possibility when it appears . . . a failure of imagination.  Despite having witnessed the profound drama of the…

May 14, 2017 “Calgon, Take Me Away”

On Mothers Day, Pastor Tracy examined one of the oldest descriptions of the early Church  (John 14: 15-31.)  The constant use of family words was not metaphorical: To many of the slaves and outcasts drawn to Jesus’s message, that early Church was the only family they had, and the mother/father love they found there is what sustains the…

April 3, 2017 “Came to Believe”

Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is one element of faith. Paul Tillich On the first Sunday after Easter, Pastor Tracy preached on the traditional text, the story of Doubting Thomas. However, she held Thomas’s doubts up to us as a positive model to emulate. She notes that all the players in the Easter story had…

March 12, 2017 “Faith vs. Works”

As we settled into the self-examination of Lent, Pastor Tracy examined a concept in scripture that generates a lot of confusion: the idea of “justified by works.” (Romans 4:1-5 & 13-17.)  It has been used over the centuries to support theologies of reward and punishment by God, but those theories are in direct conflict with the core idea…

March 5, 2017 “Fasting In Fast Times”

For the first Sunday in Lent, Pastor Tracy examines the origins of Lenten sacrifice in Jesus’s 40 days in the wilderness. (Matthew 4: 1-11) In this familiar story of Satan’s temptations of Christ she finds a practical account of an inspired man getting his priorities in focus as he prepares to challenge the mightiest empire on earth. And, she…

January 22, 2017 “God of the Refugee”

On the first Sunday after the inauguration, our entire service was centered on the issue of refugees. This was a continuation of a project last Spring, where the youth group led a service about refugees and assembled 396 hygiene kits to be distributed to Middle East refugees by Church World Services. During this service, Taylor Cline-Meehan read…