Sermons (Page 21)

August 21, 2016 “Disrupt, Heal and Rejoice”

Sonny Graves is a 2016 graduate of Pacific School of Religion. He is currently working in the office of The Northern California Nevada Conference of the UCC and is interning at First Church Berkeley while he seeks his first call. In this sermon he starts by examining the story of Jesus’ clash with the Temple…

August 14, 2016 “You Want Me to do What?”

M. Todd Whitley is a second year student at Pacific School of Religion. In this sermon he uses a story of Jesus traveling in hostile territory (Luke 9:51 – 62) to explore the idea that most opportunities to do something important start with a need to go somewhere we aren’t comfortable, and part of maturity…

August 7,2016 “Do Not Worry”

HIlary Spaulding is a long-time member of FCCSR who holds a degree in Divinity.  After a successful career in Law, she is now “in discernment” with the United Church of Christ seeking a call to ministry.  In this sermon she examines the idea that Jesus’ call to not worry (Luke 12:22-34) is not a simple…

July 17, 2016 “Caught Between Two Worlds”

This Sunday, Pastor Tracy shared her thoughts on the series of violent, hate-fueled attacks that have occurred almost daily since the tragedy in Orlando. She suggests that the common element is always people who are caught between a comfortable world in which they have been endowed with power over others — often by a simple…

July 3, 2016 “Why Me?”

Starting from the familiar story of Moses and the burning bush, Pastor Tracy suggests that we all are presented with similar “burning bush” moments, where we are offered the opportunity to make a difference for the world.  We simply have to recognize them and also understand that God will always provide the support we need…

June 19, 2016 “The Kids ARE Listening”

For Fathers’ Day, Pastor Tracy draws some lessons on parenting from three sources: 1) Tobit’s advice to his son (from the Apocrypha),  2) Her relationship with her own grandfather, and 3) a scary, revealing and — ultimately — gratifying adventure in the Emergency Room with her own young daughter.

May 15, 2016 “Talking About God in your Mother Tongue”

On Pentecost, Pastor Tracy addressed one of the biggest challenges facing progressive Christians: discussing our faith with others.  (We tend to think that’s for more conservative, fundamentalist denominations.)  However, finding the courage to be vulnerable and to start an authentic discussion about what we believe can be a breakthrough to building a more vital, growing…