Sermons (Page 24)

August 9, 2015 “The Courage to Try”

Starting from the Parable of the Sower, Pastor Tracy explores the weaknesses a simplistic faith built on a single dimension  (e.g. that religion is all about sin and salvation or that all answers can be found in a literal interpretation of the Bible.) She contrasts that with a mature faith rooted in multiple elements of belief and practice.…

August 2, 2015 “The Lord’s Prayer”

Did you know that there are two versions of the Lord’s Prayer in the Bible, one for the poor and one for the rich?  And, did you know that neither says “Forgive us our trespasses”?  Pastor tracy explores these and other curiosities about the prayer we all think we know, and challenges us to take…

July 12, 2015 “Brave”

Tad Hopp graduated in June of this year from San Francisco Theological Seminary and is spending the summer as the administrator of our successful “Summer Camp” edition of the Homework Club.  In this, his first sermon since graduating, he takes a look at how people find the courage to stand up for controversial or unpopular…

July 5, 2015 “Hope in Dark Times”

Pastor Tracy looks at the story of the death of John the Baptist and finds a parallel with the recent violence against black churches in the south:  In both cases, the established power structure lashed out against a prophetic voice speaking truth. And, in both cases it was a sign that the powerful felt their grip on power…

June 28, 2015 “Gays and Lesbians in the Early Church”

For our special Pride Day Celebration, Pastor Tracy explored two passages from the Gospels in which  — if you understand the idioms of the era — Jesus explicitly indicates His acceptance of all sexual orientations. (Scripture: Acts 8:26-40 and Matthew 19:1-12) We opened the service with a special litany for Pride Day written by member Michael Meehan and…

June 21, 2015 “Untapped Gifts”

Pastor Tracy examines two seemingly unrelated issues: Jesus learning to trust his ability to work miracles (as recounted in Mark 5:21-42) and the possible roots of institutional racism in the conflicts roughly 50 years earlier between Caesar Augustus in Rome and Marc Antony in Egypt. The common thread is the way our actions can ripple through time far beyond…

June 14, 2015 “Holy Rest”

Rev. Faune Towery is an old friend of FCCSR, having been our Pastoral Intern for two years while in seminary and having celebrated her ordination here in 2007. In this sermon she examines the idea of  rest as a necessity in an intentional life – – the time when we take stock of where we…

June 7, 2015 “Lipstick on a Pig”

Pastor Tracy takes on one of the most challenging stories from the gospels, Jesus casting out demons. She finds that, like the book of Revelation, much of it is an encoded, metaphorical commentary on the evils of Roman occupation.  She also reports on her experiences with fear of demons today, and its connections to abuse.