Sermons (Page 28)

October 5, 2014 “Bread For The World”

For World Communion Sunday, Pastor Tracy used the story of Pentecost as the jumping-off point to explore the power of breaking bread as “the Great Equalizer” in uniting communities.  And, she finds the miracle of Pentecost re-created in a group of 3 year-olds at a neighborhood playground.

September 14 2014 “Habitual Forgiven-ness”

Pepper Swanson is a recent graduate of Pacific School of Religion and is currently a candidate for ordination in the UCC. In this sermon, she explored a deeper understanding of the obligation of forgiveness as stated in Matthew 18:21 – 35.  She suggested a technique from improv theater that can unleash the healing power of forgiveness,…

August 24 2014 “The Not-So-Golden Rule”

This was the sermon Pastor Tracy preached on her first Sunday as our new settled Pastor.  In it, she explores the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the life story of the abolitionist John Newton (writer of Amazing Grace) and finds that “Love your neighbor as yourself’ is a more challenging idea than we may think.

June 29, 2014 “Not Unlikely and Not Heroes”

Rev. Tracy Barnowe preached this sermon as the candidate recommended by the Search Committee to be our next settled Pastor. In it, she examines supposedly unlikely heroes and finds that they are often in fact the person best-prepared to address the larger, unacknowledged problem of the day. Scripture: the “unlikely” choice of David as King (1 Samuel 15:34 –…