Sermons (Page 5)

October 9, 2022 “The Church is Best When it Speaks From the Margin”

Pastor Barbara reflects on Jeremiah’s advice in the face of captivity, and on Jesus’ healing 10 lepers. Throughout his ministry, Jesus focused on those who live on the margins of society–the stigmatized, the poor, and the unpretentious. Within the core tenets of the Christian faith already exist inclusion, welcoming, liberation, freedom, and the extravagant embrace…

Installation Service for Pastor Barbara

On the afternoon of September 11, 2022, Our Pastor, Rev. Barbara Paronteau, was formally installed in that post. In recognition of Barbara’s unique and inspiring journey to ministry.  Guest speakers include the Rev. Andy Lang, Executive Director of the Open and Affirming Coalition and Rev. Dr. Steven Ohnsman of Reading, Pennsylvania.  Watch and share the…

July 17 2022 “A Basket of Summer Fruit”

(Scripture: Amos 8:1-12, Luke 10:38-42) Starting with the ancient metaphor of “Summer Fruit” as a summing up at a time of transition, Pastor Barbara explores the familiar story of Jesus at the house of Mary and Martha.  She finds a profound metaphor for the nature of God and for the two distinct, but inseparable roles…