One of our favorite guest preachers, Rev Kristi Denham, who was our Seminary Intern 25 years ago (and a close friend ever since) shares her recent adventures and reflects on the profound ways the church has changed her life.
One of our favorite guest preachers, Rev Kristi Denham, who was our Seminary Intern 25 years ago (and a close friend ever since) shares her recent adventures and reflects on the profound ways the church has changed her life.
From the church courtyard, we celebrate and honor the many blessings our animals bring us showing God’s love for creation. Some adorable dogs, maybe some cats, reptiles, and birds. We also are thankful for animals we have loved in the past.
Pastor Barbara reflects on Jeremiah’s advice in the face of captivity, and on Jesus’ healing 10 lepers. Throughout his ministry, Jesus focused on those who live on the margins of society–the stigmatized, the poor, and the unpretentious. Within the core tenets of the Christian faith already exist inclusion, welcoming, liberation, freedom, and the extravagant embrace…
At the regular Sunday morning service before her installation as our Pastor, Barbara drew explored the requirement for personal authenticity that is an inescapable part of being “named..” Her sources ranged from the parable of the lost sheep to the music of Jim Croce.
On the afternoon of September 11, 2022, Our Pastor, Rev. Barbara Paronteau, was formally installed in that post. In recognition of Barbara’s unique and inspiring journey to ministry. Guest speakers include the Rev. Andy Lang, Executive Director of the Open and Affirming Coalition and Rev. Dr. Steven Ohnsman of Reading, Pennsylvania. Watch and share the…
Today’s scripture is the Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12: 13-21) but Pastor Kristi focused on the phrase at the very end, the direction to be “Rich toward God.” The parable is clear enough that piling up earthly treasure is foolish, but what, truly, is the opposite? That is not a simple question.
(Scripture: Luke 11:1 – 13) Today, pastor Barbara takes a deep dive into the Lord’s Prayer, finding many layers of meaning in those simple, familiar words.
(Scripture: Amos 8:1-12, Luke 10:38-42) Starting with the ancient metaphor of “Summer Fruit” as a summing up at a time of transition, Pastor Barbara explores the familiar story of Jesus at the house of Mary and Martha. She finds a profound metaphor for the nature of God and for the two distinct, but inseparable roles…
For our National Birthday, Pastor Barbara revisits one of the most basic concepts of Christianity – – one we all learned as children, but one that seems in constant danger of being forgotten: There is nothing we can do to “earn” God’s grace. It is a gift, freely given. All we have to do choose…
For Pride Sunday, Pastor Barbara drew on many sources – – scripture (Galatians 5:1,13-25 and Luke 9:56-62 ), her childhood love of basketball, the folk arts of the Pennsylvania German tradition and the ongoing saga of LGBTQ rights – – to find the essential, universal rule of all great struggles: Always take the long view…