Sermons (Page 7)

October 10 2021 “I want to See”

Pastor Jeffrey examines two episodes from the Gospels where Jesus restored a blind person’s sight. Although our medical understanding of physical blindness may be much greater today,  “blindness” in the larger sense – – the inability or unwillingness to see a wrong and act to right it – – still afflicts us all.  (Scripture: Psalm…

September 19 2021 “Who is the Greatest?”

PastorJeffrey poses a serious question: “Who is great is your eyes, and why?”  Someone famous? Or someone who touched you or people near you with their goodness or wisdom?  In this sermon, Jeffrey explores Jesus’ efforts to teach this lesson to his desciples in his last days on earth.  (Scripture: James 3:13-18, 4:7-8; Mark 9:30-37)