Here are the volunteers jobs for Sunday Worship.   If you have questions, please check with Amy Powers in the office.

Sunday Assignments

These are the Sunday Assignments for the dates listed below
DateLiturgistAltar decor- & Communion set-up
Communion ServersGreeterCups washerCoffee
February 2Lucinda RayMegan FullerCaran Cuneo, Annie Song-HillAnice FleshCathy KriseCaryl Hodges
February 9David SantschiJulie DowlingxxxxxxxxxxJackie DemaHelen MacLam
February 16Caran CuneoLucinda RayxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDenise WalkerAnnie Song-Hill
February 23Caryl HodgesMegan FullerxxxxxxxxJulie DowlingCharles Little
March 2Annie Song-HillJulie DowlingJackie Dema, Caryl HodgesAnice Flesh Jim Turner
March 9Louis FrostCaryl HodgesJackie DemaCathy Krise
March 16Lucinda RayCaran CuneoJulie DowlingMegan Fuller
March 23David SantschiAnnie Song-HillAnice FleshCharles Little
March 30Caran CuneoMegan FullerDenise WalkerHelen MacLam