Visitors are always welcome to worship with us. If you’re visiting for the first time, here are a few things you might want to know:

  • Our Worship service on Sunday starts at 10 AM (and we do start on time.)
  • Dress is whatever you feel is comfortable and appropriate for church.
  • The greeters will hand you a printed bulletin with the order of service, all the prayers printed out, hymn numbers, etc.
  • Most members wear their name tags every Sunday, and we hope you’ll stop and fill one out for yourself.
  • The church is equipped with a hearing-assist system. If you need a receiver, ask the greeter.
  • Children of all ages are welcome to attend our worship service..
  • After worship ends around 11:00, we gather for coffee and conversation in the Community Room.  We hope you’ll join us.
  • We celebrate a simple Communion the first Sunday of each month.  Everyone is welcome to take communion, regardless of their faith background or beliefs

For driving Directions, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Powers, our Office Manger.  You can reach her at 415-479-2747 or