Leviticus 19:33b-34.  The immigrant who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the immigrant as you love yourself for you were an immigrant in the land of Egypt.

UCC has a long history of social justice including working in the Underground Railway, helping former slaves escape the South to freedom, and support for the LGBTQ community by becoming an Open and Affirming Congregation and being one of the first denominations to ordain gay pastors.

At our Annual Congregational Meeting on January 20, 1919, we adopted the following resolution committing FCC San Rafael to become an Immigrant Accompaniment Congregation:


In order to ensure fair and just treatment of all individuals, we resolve to declare First Congregational Church of San Rafael an Immigrant Accompaniment Congregation.    Accompaniment is defined as providing support to families who have a loved one who is detained or in the process of being deported.  We believe that the legal status of the person detained has no bearing on our compassionate ministry to help ensure that their loved ones have clothing, shelter, food, transportation and spiritual support.

We join allies and immigrants in opposing policies and actions designed to further subject individuals to unlawful deportation and the denial of due process. We will provide assistance to immigrant families in the form of Accompaniment, Advocacy and working with those involved in Networks of Protection.

Examples of Some Things We Can Do

  • Pray for immigrants and provide friendship and spiritual support.
  • Provide food, clothing, shelter, transportation, or child care
  • Join with allies and immigrants in opposing policies and actions designed to further subject individuals to unlawful deportation and the denial of due process.
  • Continue to learn about the root causes of migration
  • Speak out against injustices that immigrants face such as exploitive labor policies
  • Invite immigrants to share their stories here at FCCSR
  • Support local initiatives on behalf of immigrants in our community such as those of the Marin Interfaith Council, Canal Community Alliance and the Marin Welcome Center and Marin Rapid Response