Sermons by Rev. Jeffrey Cochran-Carney (Page 9)

Don’t Look Back

Pastor Jeffrey and his wife recently survived an extended cross-country move that required a LOT of tough decisions about what to bring with them and what to leave behind. Scripture offers much advice on the subject, from the story of Lot’s wife in Genesis to Jesus recruiting his first band of followers. That advice is…

Making Friends With the Darkness

“Faith sees best in the dark” Kierkegaard On his first Sunday as our new settled Pastor, Jeffrey explored the ancient dread that was attached to the growing darkness of December and how, even today, that darkness can lead us to examine our fears. Thus, the return of the light can magnify the hopeful message of…

The Church Is Where You Belong

On October 27, Rev. Cochran-Carney preached this sermon as the candidate to be our next settled pastor. As an extra challenge, the church was without electricity that day due a PG&E blackout*, which he refers to in his opening.  Following the service, the congregation voted unanimously to confirm the call.  Pastor Jeffrey will start leading…