Sermons by Rev. Jeffrey Cochran-Carney (Page 2)

August 8 2021 “Be Healed!”

For all the wonders of modern medicine, human healing is sometimes every bit as mysterious as it was in Biblical times. Starting from two familiar gospel stories of healing (Mark 5:21-43) Pastor Jeffrey goes on to relate just such a case from his own family. “When you pray, you are not starting a conversation from…

July 4 2021 “Welcome Home”

This was a very special Sunday:  After 16 months of video services, Zoom meetings and outdoor services, we were finally able to worship together again in our modest, but much-loved sanctuary. To mark the occasion, Pastor Jeffrey preached a wide ranging sermon on homecoming, from Jesus’ spectacularly unsuccessful attempt to return to his home in…

June 6 2021 “Pray For Life”

Pastor Jeffrey looks at several Bible passages where Jesus discusses the nature of prayer, especially the story of the tax collector (in Luke 18:9-14) desperately praying for God’s absolution. Jeffrey suggests that this kind of openness, this reaching out – perhaps without even saying a word – is the essence of prayer. We are living…

May 23 2021 “Blowin’ Away”

For Pentecost Sunday, the Church’s Birthday, Pastor Jeffrey re-visits that first congregation being touched by tongues of fire, but then he turns to the bigger question: where in today’s world is that kind of inspired fire needed?  How can we summon, personally,  the kind of energy and passion that built the early church. May God…